Delicate Particle Logic Raves

“quite an impressive achievement” 4-stars.
Charles Kruger, Theatrestorm

“(an) engaging, intellectual treat of a play….Art and physics, love and memory, human splits and atomic splits all dance together in an elegant quadrille.” –  FULL REVIEW

“Indra’s Web Theater successfully takes the audience on a meaningful journey of discovery through an important scientific achievement and time that is surprising in its emotional depth and impact. Bravo!” – Jo Tomalin, Ph.D.  FULL REVIEW

“perfectly realized”
Dale Debacksy, Mad Art Lab

Delicate Particle Logic was nominated in October 2015 for five Theater Bay Area Awards as follows:
1.  Outstanding World Premiere Play
2.  Best Lead Actress in a Play (Teressa Foss)
3.  Best Direction in a Play (Bruce Coughran)
4.  Best Sound Design (Scott Alexander)
5.  Best Original Score (Scott Alexander)

Berkeley, CA